Siberian Husky Puppies for Sale AKC Siberian Husky breeder, Each Siberian Husky Puppy is Guaranteed for Life! We believe in strong health and temperament for the perfect family dog who is great with kids, cats and other dogs. Specializing in MN, ND, IA, WI, SD, and the Midwest.
Purebred AKC Siberian Husky's since 1992
Welcome to our About Us and Information page
Some of our puppy info packet topics can still be found in the column below but due to un-ethical breeders linking to our info and telling people we worked together (and we do not) I have converted most topics into our Puppy Manual. Which is a PDF that will be e-mailed to buyers once a deposit is put down. Our puppy manual is over 55 pages and was written by me. It covers many topics which I add to as needed.
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